Telematica per la tua azienda

La telematica WEX consente l’accesso immediato ad integrare i dati dei veicoli con le carte carburante consentendo un controllo in tempo reale dei vostri veicoli indipendentemente dalle dimensioni della flotta o dalle esigenze aziendali.

  • Canone mensile competitivo e senza nessun costo nascosto
  • Nessun vincolo contrattuale
  • Dati del veicolo direttamente collegati alle transazioni delle carte carburanti

Gestione della flotta

La telematica WEX offre una gamma di funzioni e informazioni che permettono di aumentare la produttività, ridurre i costi operativi e migliorare la sicurezza dell’autista e dell’azienda stessa.

  • Incremento della produttività tramite la localizzazione in tempo reale degli automezzi
  • Riduzione dei costi di amministrazione e di gestione
  • Maggiore efficienza nell’utilizzo del carburante e riduzione dell’usura dei veicoli
  • Impedire l’uso non autorizzato dei veicoli e delle carte carburanti

Facile da usare e ricco di funzioni

Un’applicazione dall’esperienza perfetta, dal dispositivo alla dashboard

Mappa in tempo reale

Tracciamento accurato dei veicoli in tutta Europa. Il controllo degli autisti e la gestione della flotta non sono mai stati così semplici.

Cronologia di viaggio

Seleziona uno o più veicoli e analizza nel dettaglio i viaggi effettuati in un determinato periodo di tempo.

Performance dell’autista

Tieni monitorato lo stile di guida e i comportamenti di ogni autista grazie alla funzione “Prestazione autista”.

Performance del veicolo

Valuta la performance di ogni tuo veicolo grazie ad una accurata analisi sull’efficienza del carburante.


Identifica qualsiasi abuso nell’utilizzo della carta carburante attraverso il nostro sistema di reportistica Geo-Plus.

Modalità privacy

Disabilita con facilità il tracciamento dei veicoli o imposta un orario preferito per la registrazione dei dati.

Mappa in tempo reale

Tracciamento accurato dei veicolo in tutta Europa. Il controllo di ogni autista e la gestione della flotta non è mai stato così semplice.

Cronologia di viaggio

Tieni monitorato giornalmente ogni viaggio effettuato tramite la funzione “Cronologia di viaggio”.

Previsione orario di arrivo

Questa funzione ti consente di stimare in modo accurato i tempi di viaggio verso la destinazione indicata e può essere utilizzata per offrire tempi di consegna più precisi ai tuoi clienti.

Street View

Avere una visione completa a 360° dell’esatta posizione della tua flotta, ti consente di essere a conoscenza di tutti gli spostamenti dei tuoi autisti e dei relativi tempi di percorrenza.

Chiamate e messaggi

Con un semplice clic, rimani in contatto con i tuoi autisti attraverso la nostra funzione di chiamata e invio SMS.

Informazioni sul traffico

Rimani sempre aggiornato ed evita i rallentamenti grazie alla nostra funzione che rileva le informazioni sul traffico in tempo reale.

Nome *
Ragione sociale *
Numero di telefono *
Indirizzo e-mail *
N. di veicoli
Tipo di veicolo
Nome *
Ragione sociale *
Numero di telefono *
Indirizzo e-mail *
Messaggio *

Nota sui Cookie WEX Europe Services

Questa nota contiene informazioni sui cookies, su quali tipologie di cookies possono essere memorizzati sul Suo computer durante la navigazione in questo sito web e su come bloccare la ricezione o eliminare i cookies già archiviati.

Cosa sono i cookies e come li utilizziamo

Un cookie è un file di lettere e numeri che viene memorizzato sul computer dell’utente durante la consultazione di un sito web. Tale file contiene informazioni che vengono trasferite al computer stesso e poi ritrasmesse al medesimo sito web ad ogni accesso successivo, oppure trasmesse ad un altro sito web che riconosca quegli specifici cookies.

Il nostro sito web utilizza cookies per riconoscere il Suo computer tra quelli di altri utenti che visitano il sito. Questo ci permette di offrire una navigazione più agevole mantenendo, ad esempio, memoria delle preferenze di navigazione associate al Suo computer e, inoltre, ci consente di migliorare il contenuto del sito e la sua fruibilità, ad esempio attraverso l’analisi delle pagine visitate dagli utenti e facilitando le loro ricerche.

Utilizziamo i cookies anche per altri scopi, tra i quali:

Inoltre, utilizziamo i cookies, laddove necessario, per fornire i servizi eventualmente richiesti dagli utenti, ad esempio, per consentire l’accesso ad aree riservate del sito web. Alcuni dei cookies che utilizziamo sono necessari per l’operatività del sito. E’ possibile eliminare e bloccare tutti i cookies provenienti da questo sito, ma ciò potrebbe determinare il malfunzionamento di alcune parti del sito stesso.

Nella tabella che segue sono disponibili maggiori dettagli sui cookies utilizzati in questo sito e gli scopi per cui vengono utilizzati. E’ possibile che non tutti i cookies indicati siano utilizzati ad ogni accesso.

Consenso ai cookies

In alcuni Paesi, la legge richiede che l’utente acconsenta alla memorizzazione dei cookies sul proprio computer. Come utente del nostro sito situato in uno di questi Paesi, La preghiamo di fornirci il consenso per l’installazione dei cookies nel Suo dispositivo. A seconda del sito web che sta visitando, potremmo richiederle di fornirci il suo consenso: (i) selezionando il box “Accetto i Cookies di questo sito web”, visualizzato in un apposito pop-up (o cookie banner), e cliccando su “Confermo”, oppure (ii) continuando la navigazione sul sito web dopo aver visualizzato il cookie banner recante l’informazione che, continuando a navigare, Lei acconsente implicitamente all’installazione dei Cookies nel Suo dispositivo. In entrambi i casi, Le è sempre consentito di revocare il consenso prestato, attivando la procedura di “opting-out” (revoca del consenso), di seguito meglio dettagliata.


In qualunque momento è possibile eliminare e bloccare tutti i cookies che vengono archiviati durante la consultazione di questo sito web. Può cancellare i cookies usando le apposite funzioni fruibili con la maggior parte dei browsers. Molti browsers consentono inoltre di bloccare l’archiviazione di cookies attivando una specifica opzione che permette di rifiutare automaticamente la memorizzazione di alcuni o tutti i cookies. Per conoscere la relativa procedura, può consultare l’area ‘Help’ del Suo browser o il manuale di utilizzo del computer.

Per ulteriori informazioni sui cookies, su come verificare quali cookies sono stati memorizzati, come gestirli ed eliminarli, La invitiamo a visitare il sito

Cookies utilizzati in questo sito web

Nome Tipo Scopo Scadenza
cookie Funzione Ricorda le preferenze cookie dell’utente Dura due anni
locale Funzione Ricorda il Paese preferito da un utente Dura un mese
__utma Performance Permette di vedere quanti utenti visitano il nostro sito e quanto spesso Dura due anni
__utmb Performance Registra quando una pagina viene chiusa e viene usato insieme ad un _utmc per misurare per quanto tempo gli utenti visitano le pagine del nostro sito Rimosso quando è utilizzato il browser
__utmc Performance Registra quando una pagina viene chiusa e viene usato insieme ad un _utmb per misurare per quanto tempo gli utenti visitano le pagine del nostro sito Viene rimosso alla chiusura del browser
__utmz Performance Registra come i visitatori trovano il nostro sito web, per esempio se ci atterrano utilizzando un motore di ricerca, oppure da un link presente su un altro sito web o se inseriscono direttamente l’indirizzo del sito. Inoltre, mostra la sequenza di pagine visitate dall’utente. Dura 6 mesi

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Privacy Policy

Effective Date of Privacy Statement: 1 December 2014

Most recent update 1 December 2014.

WEX Europe Services Limited and its affiliated companies, (“WEX Europe Services”) appreciate your interest in this Web site and other related or linked WEX Europe Services’ sites (Site). Your privacy is important and we want you to understand our practices with respect to gathering information from visitors to the Site and with respect to the uses we make of that information. Please check each portion or page of the Site that you visit. Certain portions or pages of the Site may contain changes to the Privacy Statement applicable to your use of that portion or page, for example, certain applications may request additional information from you.

Information and Uses

When someone visits the Site, our web servers automatically gather information that allows the site to communicate with the visitor’s computer during the visit. We also track such information as the number of visits to the site, which parts of the site visitors select, IP address (the Internet address assigned to your computer from your Internet Service Provider), domain type, browser type (e.g., Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer), date and time of day. We use such information only for statistical purposes that help us design and administer the Site.

Privacy concerns focus on Personal Information, that is, information that could identify a specific individual such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers. If during your visit you personalize the Site, complete an order form, enter a contest, or submit other information to us, you may provide us with Personal Information. We may collect and use that Personal Information to provide you with products or services, to bill you for products and services you request, to tell you about WEX Europe Services’ products and services which we think may be of interest to you, or to communicate with you for other purposes.

As a visitor of our Site, you may be asked that we read the geolocation of your computer or mobile device; this geolocation information will be used to provide the services you request such as showing the location of nearby service stations, and the route to service stations; we may also use this geolocation information to tell you about WEX Europe Services’ products and services, for instance in combination with weather information about the geolocation of your computer or mobile device. If you do not wish us to use the geolocation information for such purposes, you can decline our request to read the geolocation; in that case, some of the services of our Site may not be delivered. We may provide the geolocation information to third parties who assist us in the provision of the services and communications to you through the Site.

As explained below in the section on Dissemination of Information to Third Parties, we do not distribute or sell Personal Information to third parties for the purpose of allowing them to market their products and services to you; moreover, as explained in the Opt Out/Modify Information section, we will make a reasonable effort to remove your Personal Information from our database in such a way that you will not receive future communications from us, if that is your wish. If you notify us that Personal Information previously submitted to our site is no longer accurate, we will make a reasonable effort to make appropriate corrections.  To facilitate our efforts to meet your request, it would be helpful if you could let us know the context in which you provided Personal Information, e.g in connection with promotion of a specific product or service.

Information Placed on Your Computer

We may store some information (commonly known as a “cookie”) on your computer when you look at or use the Site. This information facilitates customizing your use of the Site and helps to avoid the need for you to re-enter your details every time you visit it. You can erase or block this information from your computer if you want to. (The ‘help’ screen in your browser or computer user manual should tell you how to do this.)

We use third-party advertising technology to provide ads when you visit sites upon which we advertise. This technology will not process any information that can be used to personally identify you, that is it will not include your name, address, or other personal information. When you access an ad, a “cookie” file will be stored on your computer. This information is used to help manage our on-line advertising. To learn more about the third-party ad-serving technology, cookies, and how to “opt-out” please click here (note: you will be taken to a third-party website).

Information From Children

The Site contains information that may be of special interest to children, but WEX Europe Services does not seek through the Site to gather Personal Information from or about persons under the age of 17.


This site has links to sites that WEX Europe Services does not own, control or maintain. We cannot be responsible for their privacy policies and practices and we make no representations or warranties about the privacy practices of those sites. Similarly, we cannot be responsible for the policies and practices of any site from which you linked to our Web site. We recommend that you check the privacy policy of other sites and contact the operator if you have concerns or questions.

Dissemination of Information to Third Parties

Communicating via the Internet and sending information, products, and services to you by other means necessarily involves your Personal Information passing through or being handled by third-parties, but WEX Europe Services does not sell or distribute your Personal Information to third parties for purposes of allowing them to market their products and services to you.

We employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include fulfilling orders, deliveries, sending postal mail and e-mail, removing repetitive information from customer lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments and providing customer service. They have access to Personal Information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes.

Personal data collected by WEX Europe Services may be transferred among its various suppliers, divisions and affiliated companies, around the world. Such transfers may involve the transfer of Personal Information from countries within the European Economic Area to countries outside the E.E.A. By submitting data on the Site, the visitor provides explicit consent to these transfers, including transborder transmission of data covered by this Privacy Statement.

Data Transfers

We may transfer the Personal Information we collect about you to countries other than the country in which the information was originally collected. Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. When we transfer your information to other countries, we will protect that information as described in this Privacy Statement.

If you are located in the E.E.A. or Switzerland, we comply with applicable legal requirements providing adequate protection for the transfer of Personal Information to countries outside of the E.E.A. or Switzerland.

Sensitive Information

WEX Europe Services does not seek any sensitive information from visitors to our Site, unless legally required to do so, for example, in connection with recruiting or hiring. Sensitive information includes a number of types of data relating to: race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or other similar beliefs, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life or criminal record. We suggest that you do not provide sensitive information of this nature. However, if you do provide such information, WEX Europe Services accepts your explicit consent to use that data in the ways described in this Privacy Statement or in the ways described at the point where such information is disclosed.

Opt Out/Modify Information

You can request the removal or modification of your Personal Information by sending an e-mail to We will then make a reasonable effort to accommodate your request. As previously noted, it would be helpful to let us know the context in which you provided Personal Information.

Conditions of Use, Notices and Revisions

If you choose to visit our Site, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Privacy Statement and our General Terms of Use of our Site, including any limitations on damages, arbitration of disputes and application of law provisions. We reserve the right to change this statement at any time without notice.

Contacting WEX Europe Services about the content of this Privacy Statement

If you have any questions about the content of this Privacy Statement, please contact WEX Europe Services at the following address:
WEX Europe Services Limited
Attn: Legal Department

Emperor Court | Emperor Way | Crewe Business Park
Crewe | Cheshire | CW1 6BD

When we make material changes to this Privacy Statement, we will post the changes on this page and update the revision date at the top of the Privacy Statement.  We encourage you to view our Privacy Statement regularly for updates.

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Website Terms of Use

Effective Date of Terms and Conditions: 1 December 2014
Last Updated: 1 December 2014.


Nothing in this material is intended to override the corporate separateness of local entities. Working relationships discussed in this material do not necessarily represent a reporting connection, but may reflect a functional guidance, stewardship, or service relationship. Where shareholder consideration of a local entity matter is contemplated by this material, responsibility for action remains with the local entity.

WEX Europe Services Limited has numerous affiliates, many with names that include WEX Europe Services and WEX. For convenience and simplicity in this Site, those terms and the terms corporation, company, our, we and its are sometimes used as abbreviated references to specific affiliates or affiliate groups. Abbreviated references describing global or regional operational organisations and global or regional business lines are also sometimes used for convenience and simplicity. Similarly, WEX Europe Services has business relationships with thousands of customers, suppliers, governments, and others. For convenience and simplicity, words like venture, joint venture, partnership, co-venturer, and partner are used in their ordinary senses to indicate business relationships involving common activities and interests, and those words may or may not indicate precise legal relationships.

WEX Europe Services Limited and its affiliated companies (WEX Europe Services or Company) provide this website and other related or linked WEX Europe Services sites (Site) and certain services, interfaces and functionality on or via this Site (the Services) to you subject to your agreement to comply with the following terms of use (the General Terms). Your use of this Site or the Services will constitute your acceptance of the General Terms. Once accepted, the General Terms will constitute a binding agreement between WEX Europe Services and you governing your use of the Site or Services (the Agreement). If you are not willing to abide by the General Terms, do not use this Site or the Services.

Please refer to section 4) for details of the principal company in the United Kingdom.

1) Changes and Special Additional Terms and Conditions
WEX Europe Services may revise the General Terms at any time without notice. You should revisit this Site periodically to make sure you are aware of the most recent General Terms because they will be binding on you. Your use of the Site or Services after such changes constitutes your agreement to such changes.

You are advised to check each page you visit on the Site. Some locations may have special additional terms and conditions that apply to use of or interaction with that location. These terms and conditions may also be changed at any time without notice. Your use of that location constitutes your acceptance of those special additional terms and conditions.

2) Use of the Site
A. Site Security. You are prohibited from violating, or attempting to violate, the security of the Site or Services. Any such violations may result in criminal and civil liabilities to you. We will investigate any alleged violations, and, if a criminal violation is suspected, we will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in their investigations. Violations of the security of the Site and Services include, without limitation, the following:

B. “Spam” and Similar Actions. You are prohibited from transmitting the same or similar unsolicited e-mail messages, bulk commercial advertising, or chain letters to one or more e-mail groups (which are two or more e-mail addresses aggregated as a single e-mail addressee.
C. Infringement. You are prohibited from using the Site or Services to infringe on any person’s copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights. We may terminate your right to access the Site and Services if we believe you are using the Site and Services in a manner that infringes the copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property rights of another. You may be ordered by a court to pay money damages to us and to the rightful owner of any intellectual property rights you violate.

D. Other Prohibited Actions. In using the Site or Services, you must not:

E. Your Content. You must exercise caution, good sense and proper judgement in using the Site and Services. You are responsible for any material you place on or transmit to or through the Site or Services. You agree, represent and warrant that any information you post to or transmit through the Site or Services is truthful, accurate, not misleading and offered in good faith, and that you have the right to post or transmit such information. Such information (including without limitation, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or any other materials whatsoever), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, is your sole responsibility.

F. You agree that use of any information obtained via the Site or Services is at your own risk.

G. Consequences of Unacceptable Use. We reserve the right (but not the obligation) in our sole discretion to refuse or delete any of your content as well as suspend or terminate without notice your access to the Site and Services upon a violation or attempted violation of this Agreement. Indirect or attempted violations of this Agreement, and actual or attempted violations by a third party acting on your behalf, shall be deemed violations by you of this Agreement. Furthermore, it is a violation of this Agreement to use the services of another company for the purpose of facilitating any of the activities which violate this Agreement if such use of another company’s service could reasonably be expected to adversely affect the Site and Services in any manner.

H. No Licensing. By your use of the Site or the Services you receive no license, express or implied, under any patent rights or trade secret rights now or hereafter, owned, controlled or possessed by WEX Europe Services.

I. Linking. You may not link to this site, other than to the home page, without prior written permission from WEX Europe Services. You may download and print one copy of content on this Site for your personal non-commercial use, or in connection with your purchase of any WEX Europe Services products, provided that you leave any copyright or trademark information intact and unchanged. Other than as specifically set out in this paragraph you may not copy (whether by printing off on to paper, storing on disk, placing on another site, downloading in any other way), distribute (including distributing copies), broadcast, alter or tamper with in any way any portion of this Site.

3) Trademark and Copyright Policy
WEX Europe Services, WEX and ESSO, and certain other brands, trademarks and services marks are marks of WEX Europe Services and its affiliates or its Licensors. Not all marks of WEX Europe Services will appear on this Site and not all products or services listed on this Site are available for sale in every country. Some products or services may be marketed under local trademarks in specific countries. Marks of third parties may appear on this Site when referring to those entities or their products or services.

The user may forward, distribute, and/or photocopy copyrighted materials of WEX Europe Services (or which are licensed to WEX Europe Services) located on this Site only if the entire relevant page or document is unaltered and complete, including all of their headers, footers, disclaimers, and other information. You may not copy these documents to a website.

4) Principal Company in the United Kingdom
WEX Europe Services (UK) Limited
Registered in England & Wales, Number: 08903805
Registered Office: Emperor Court, Emperor Way, Crewe Business Park Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 6BD.

5) Privacy Policy

6) No Warranty
This Site and Services are provided “As Is” and without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, to the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, WEX Europe Services disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. WEX Europe Services does not represent or warrant that the functions or Services contained in the Site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this Site or the server that makes the Site available are free of viruses or other harmful components. WEX Europe Services does not make any warranties or representations regarding the use of contents of this Site or Services in terms of their correctness, accuracy, adequacy, usefulness, timeliness, reliability or otherwise. Some jurisdictions do not allow exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you.

7) Limitation of Liability
WEX Europe Services shall not be liable to you or any other party for any compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the Site, the Services or the contents on this Site or the performance of the Site, Services or products described on this Site, even if WEX Europe Services has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

If you are dissatisfied with any portion of the Site or the Services or with any of these terms, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Site and the Services.

8) Non-Confidentiality of User Materials
You are not to transmit any material to or through this Site that you consider to be confidential or proprietary. Any material which you transmit to or through this Site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. Except as expressly provided in WEX Europe Services’s Privacy Policy or separate written agreement between you and WEX Europe Services, you give WEX Europe Services an unrestricted, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, display, publicly perform, transmit and distribute such information. You further agree that WEX Europe Services has the right to use, without any payment or accounting to you or others, any concepts, know-how or ideas which you (and those who act on your behalf) transmit to or through the Site.

9) Use of Third Party Websites and Sharing Tools
As a convenience, WEX Europe Services may provide links to websites operated by third parties. WEX Europe Services may also provide sharing tools that allow social web linking, bookmarking, rating, recommending, emailing, instant messaging, and posting to blogs.  Following the links or using the sharing tools will take you to third party websites, which WEX Europe Services does not own, control, or maintain.  If you decide to access a third party’s website through a link or a sharing tool provided by this Site, you do this at your sole risk. WEX Europe Services is not responsible for any viruses or other malware or damaging elements encountered in a third party website. WEX Europe Services does not control any third party websites, and makes no warranty or representation regarding, and is not responsible for, any third party websites or the content of such websites.  Inclusion of links or sharing tools to third party sites is not an endorsement of the content of such sites.  Different terms and conditions may apply to your use of such third party sites and the sharing tools and you are advised to review such terms and conditions prior to usage.  Further, the providers of such third party sites and the sharing tools may have privacy policies and practices that are different from our Privacy Statement. You are advised to check the privacy policies and practices of such providers and contact the operator if you have any concerns or questions.

10) User Communications Areas
The Site may contain areas where users communicate with each other, including but not limited to bulletin boards, calendars, chat areas, or personal web pages.

WEX Europe Services has the right but not the obligation to monitor or review any part of the Site or the Services including the user communication areas. However, WEX Europe Services shall have no liability related to the content of any communications made in these areas.

11) Global Availability/Export Controls
Portions of this Site and Services may be controlled and operated by WEX Europe Services from various offices in the United States. WEX Europe Services makes no representation that the Site, Services or materials accessed or described on the Site are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to them from other countries where their contents are illegal or penalized is prohibited. Access to or use of the Site, Services or materials accessed on or described on the Site by persons or from countries who are sanctioned by the United States is specifically prohibited.

Those who access the Sites or Services do so on their own and are responsible for compliance with all applicable US and local laws. You may not export or re-export any Services, information or materials accessed on or described on this Site except in full compliance with all United State laws and regulations. In particular, you may not export or re-export into (or to a national or resident of) any country to which the United States embargoes or sanctions goods, services or technology, to any person or entity on the U.S. Treasury Department’s List of Specially Designated Nationals, the U.S. Bureau of Export Administration Entity List, the U.S. Bureau of Export Administration Denied Persons List or the U.S. Commerce Department’s Table of Denial Orders. In addition, you are responsible for complying with any local laws in your country which may impact your right to import, export or use the Site, Services, information, or materials accessed or described on the Site.

12) Indemnity of Company
You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend WEX Europe Services Limited (including subsidiaries and affiliates of WEX Europe Services Limited, hereinafter “WEX Europe Services”) as well as WEX Europe Services’ officers, directors and employees, from and against any claim, demand, cause of action, debt, loss or liability, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, to the extent that such action is based upon, arises out of, or relates to your violation, or violation by any other person using your password or account, of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

13) Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales, you and WEX Europe Services designate the courts of England and Wales, for the exclusive resolution of that dispute and submit to the jurisdiction of that court..

14) Special Note for Parents
Portions of this Site and Services may be of special interest to children but WEX Europe Services does not seek through this Site to gather personal information from persons under the age of 18.

15) How to Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about the online policy for this Site or its implementation you may contact us at:

Attention: Customer Services
WEX Europe Services Limited
Emperor Court
Emperor Way
Crewe Business Park
Cheshire, CW1 6BD

If any provision of these terms shall be unlawful, void or, for any reason, unenforceable, then those provisions shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability or legality of the remaining provisions.

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